Success begins with Mindset. Is your mindset ready for success?

W5 Success begins with mindset

John Nieuwenburg

John Nieuwenburg has been a professional business coach since 2004. Prior to becoming a coach, he held executive positions with Tip Top Tailors and BC Liquor Stores. In 2019, MacKay CEO Forums awarded him with Canada’s CEO Trusted Advisor Award in the Small Business category. Since becoming a coach, John has worked with over 350 clients, taking them through a systematic process that helps them feel organized, confident and in control of their businesses.

You hear it all the time: “success is a state of mind.”

Have you ever wondered how two people can go after the same goal in the same way and yet just one of them succeeds?

Is it sheer luck? Timing? Perseverance?

More often than not, it’s a person’s mind-set that determines whether they fail or succeed.

A mind-set refers to your predominant state of mind day to day.

It’s what you think about, focus on, and expect from your daily experiences.

The most successful entrepreneurs share a set of core skills, beliefs and values that help them persevere as they grow their businesses.

This talk will inspire you to adopt or refine the fundamental habits that create your success mindset.

  • What does responsibility have to do with our power?
  • Discover if you have a Fixed or Growth Mindset and how it affects your future
  • What steps can you take to improve your life TODAY?

Your mindset influences every result in your life.

Who you are and how your business performs is limited or expanded by how and what you think.

A success mindset is one of the main ingredients entrepreneurs must have and use to create real, sustainable business success.

If you’d like some support in developing a mindset for success, book 15 minutes on my calendar to discuss business coaching: book a call with John


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