John's blog

Articles to help you become a better business owner


My latest articles

Take Back Your Life: How to Develop Systems to Run your Business

By John Nieuwenburg

Creating systems doesn’t require a grand strategic plan, a complicated documentation process, or months of thoughtful planning. Here are your first steps to a self-managing, systems-run business.

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5 Mindset Shifts to Take Your Business to the Next Level

By John Nieuwenburg

The process and tasks of building a successful business aren’t all that difficult. The hard part is changing your mindset. Here are the top 5 shifts you need to make.

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The Self-Managing Business: a Checklist for Growth and Freedom

By John Nieuwenburg

7 Tips to help you create a business that runs itself so that you can have the lifestyle you want while continuing to grow and scale.

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15 ways you can be more productive

By John Nieuwenburg

Feeling overwhelmed with so much to do? Want to become more productive? Here are 15 of my best tips for making the most of your time.

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4 Strategies to Overcome Overthinking

By John Nieuwenburg

Procrastinating? Stuck in analysis paralysis? These 4 strategies will help you break free from the overthinking trap and take action.

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Are You Sacrificing Your Life for Your Business?

By John Nieuwenburg

The purpose of a small business is to give the owner the life they want. Too many owners sacrifice their lives for their business. Here’s what to do about it.

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Are you tracking the numbers that matter?

By John Nieuwenburg

Tracking KPIs is a crucial aspect of measuring the success of your business. Here’s how to choose the right ones for your business.

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Why You Need a Personal Brand or Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

By John Nieuwenburg

People ask about price because they don’t know what else to ask. Instead of offering a discount, shift the prospect to start thinking what constitutes value and makes you different.

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Why Small Business Owners Need to Pay Attention to Cash Flow

By John Nieuwenburg

It’s possible to be profitable and broke – at the same time. Here’s what you need to know about the “cash gap” and how to resolve it.

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Free E-Book: Five Steps to Freedom

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How to build a business that runs smoothly, profitably, and (mostly) without you

Feeling stressed out and overwhelmed with a business that is taking all your time - and not giving you enough in return?

Are you finding it challenging to hire the right team (and get them to do the right things)?

I wrote this little guide for you!

Enter your details below to receive your free copy!