Is Your Vision Bigger Than Your Obstacles?

You have to overcome many obstacles to be successful.
This is true no matter what endeavour you are pursuing.
If you are working on a big goal, I guarantee you that there are going to be problems, issues, and roadblocks along the way.
This is not negative, it is reality.
Accept it and prepare yourself to overcome the obstacles.
The best way to do this?
Create a vision that is bigger than the obstacles
A vision is a mental picture of the result you want to achieve—a picture so clear and strong it will help make that result real.
A vision is not a vague wish or dream or hope. It’s a picture of the real results of real efforts. It comes from the future and informs and energizes the present.
Visioning is one of the most powerful tools I use to help small business owners get the results they want.
The practice of using visions is mainstream.
Some companies use visions to communicate their values and goals.
Professional sports teams use visioning exercises to improve performance (there are studies showing that basketball players who practice free throws only by “envisioning” the ball going through the hoop improve their shooting percentage almost as much as those who actually throw the ball).
The director of a play might “envision” a perfect production before rehearsals begin.
The important thing about a vision is that it is meaningful to YOU.

You can see the impact Arnie had in one of my personal mantras for success!
Many years ago, I read Arnold Schwarzenegger’s book: Total Recall.
His ability to set goals and to go after them as if they were non-negotiable made an impression on me.
During a lunch interview in 1976, a sports columnist asked him what his plans are now that he is retired from body-building.
Schwarzenegger’s response?
With a voice as calm as if he were talking about some mundane travel plans, he said, “ I’m going to be the number-one box-office star in all of Hollywood.”
Keep in mind that this is not the Arnold Schwarzenegger we know now.
This was before he had any film success or became the governor of California.
At the time, this statement was highly improbable, if not laughable.
His strategy for taking over the movie world?
“It’s the same process I used in body-building ” he explained.
“What you do is create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true.”
Create a vision of who you want to be, then live into that picture
This is the picture that I personally decided to live into in the winter of 2018.
I was sitting at this table in my brother’s backyard in Phoenix, Arizona.
As I enjoyed the warm sunshine, beautiful view, and luxurious surroundings – I decided that I wanted more of this in my life.
When we got home, I announced to Jennifer: “Next year, we’re going to escape this rainy Vancouver winter weather and spend 3 weeks in Phoenix.”
I made a commitment to her. Then I made a commitment to myself.
The commitment to myself was that I was going to pay for this yearly winter vacation with “new money” – meaning that I would need to increase my business revenue to cover the commitment.
The vision and the commitment was exactly what I needed to break out of my complacency (I’d already reached a comfortable level of success) and work to grow my business.
Focusing on that vision gave me the motivation and drive to move from the mindset of being a “successful solopreneur” to becoming a “business owner.”
In essence, I took the same advice I offer my clients 😉
I made plans. I hired an accountant and a VA. I ramped up my marketing. I got a business coach.
As a result, I grew my revenue by 70% that year. Then by another 61% the following year.
I’ve been on a growth path ever since.
We now spend 3 months in Phoenix every year.
What’s the vision for your business?
Is it bigger than the obstacles?
Do you need some support bringing it to life?
Book 15 minutes on my calendar, and let’s talk about coaching!

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