John helped me get to a new level with structuring my time.

I found myself floundering a bit after the chaos of Covid. The business was doing fine, but personally my focus was all over the place. I was considering very diverse directions for my business to go and needed some structure to my process.

I had been worried that the purpose of a coach was to push you to achieve growth at all costs, but it wasn’t like that at all. John just acted like a sounding board as well as expert council on organizing my business. He helped assist me with my goals, rather than planting aggressive targets that I might not subscribe to.

I’ve always been organized and disciplined but John helped me get to a new level with structuring my time. Although I still over-extend myself on multiple tasks, I now plan in quarterly and weekly increments. I don’t find myself wasting time bouncing between conflicting tasks and I’m less likely to worry about things. I am more settled in my approach to achieving my goals.

Joe Box

Pinpoint Physiotherapy
