Is vulnerability standing in the way of the business you want?

One of the most common things standing in the way of reaching out for help is vulnerability.
Vulnerability for many of us feels like a risk, like standing on the sharp edge of a canyon looking down into an abyss of uncertainty and danger.
However, what happens if you look up instead?
You see the other side of the canyon.
Let me tell you about the time I put my entire career at risk
I understand just how challenging it can be to put yourself in a place of vulnerability.
But, if I may speak to my own personal experience for a moment, here is an example of why you should WANT to put yourself in that place.
In 2015 I gave a TedX talk on a topic that was controversial, and something that I felt could put my entire career at risk because of the nature of the content.
However, being a born teacher and leader, I willingly stepped into that vulnerable position and gave a talk on my own experience with depression and attempting suicide.
I spoke about what it is like to be in a very dark and difficult place and what it is like to come out the other side.
The vulnerability, uncertainty, and discomfort that I felt about giving that talk was what I saw when I looked over the edge and into the canyon.
And you know what?
While I had felt that after the talk people may not respect me as much, or they may even question how I could be a business coach and claim to help others while dealing with my own personal struggles, ultimately that TedX talk has helped my career.
Prospective clients are able to hear me speak to overcoming my most challenging circumstances and relate that back to their own vulnerabilities, regardless of what those might be.
They see that I’m not just someone to sit on the other side of a Zoom call and preach the business coaching bible at them.
I’ve been in places of challenges and vulnerability, walked miles in their shoes, and I understand the steps that it takes to overcome and succeed.
All business problems are personal problems.
Many of my clients end up stepping outside of their comfort zones and hiring me because they reach a point where the stress and overwhelm they feel in their business has crept into their home life.
You were born to live, not to run a business.
Your business, on the other hand, was born to give you, the owner, the life you want.
Business owners end up feeling immense amounts of stress, pressure, and fatigue because they get that backwards and let their businesses run their lives.
They work hard over long hours.
They sacrifice family, personal, and recreational time only to come home at the end of a long month with less money than what they expected, or even needed.
So, over time, business problems become personal problems.
That’s why when I work with clients, we often spend a lot of time working on coaching the human behind the business owner.
That means developing leadership, improving mindset, becoming more capable of navigating problems and setting goals.
Once we take care of making YOU a better OWNER, solutions to what you thought were strictly business problems will start to fall into place.
If you could fix your problems on your own, you would have already done so
Trevor Linden, former Vancouver Canuck, says that what you resist, persists.
For many people, this resistance is about getting vulnerable and asking for help.
Everything you want is on the other side of it.
I became a business coach so that I could offer this kind of help.
If you’re looking for someone to turn to with your most challenging, guarded problems and in return get feedback that is unvarnished and serves YOU best, with no sugar coating or ulterior motives – I invite you to book a complimentary 15-minute call with me.

Build a Self-Managing Company
How to build a business that runs smoothly, profitably, and (mostly) without you.
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