Nobody is born to be in business. Instead, the purpose of being in business is to give you, the owner, the kind of life you want to live. So many of the owners that I work with, when we start working together, are not very happy with their life. They have concerns piling up about working too many hours, pressures at home, not being able to spend time with their family, strain being placed on their marriage, not being able to develop the team, culture, and business that they want, etc. Many of them are also dissatisfied with the amount of money they are able to pull out of the business. So as a business coach what I do is put your business on life support. Because if your business is not supporting your life, what is it supporting?

Beyond simply helping you and coaching you to run a better business, a business coach is a resource that will help you develop better systems, skills, and strategies. You’ll become better at leadership, communication, and delegation which in turn will mean your business produces better results. A business coach is there every step of the way to hold you accountable for improving both your personal and professional performance. 

A client once told me that what they liked most about working with a business coach was having a friend. Instead of being embarrassed from feeling like I was trading friendship for payment, I realized that being a business owner is often one thing above all others: lonely. You can have a team surrounding you at work and a support system of family and friends at home, but there is no one that you can really talk to about your business and the challenges you face on a daily basis. Even your closest confidant may listen and want to understand and be supportive, but seldom do they truly understand the context of your situation enough to provide actionable, relevant advice. A business coach already understands where you are coming from and will help you clearly see the way forward.