Become a Better Business Owner
What do you do when you’re stuck trying to decide between 2 bad options?
A dilemma is a situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives. Trying to choose just gets you stuck. Here’s what to do instead.
Read MoreWant to be a better leader? Learn to ask better questions.
Many business owners fall into the trap of believing that good leadership is about having the right answers. A better approach is to ask the right questions.
Read More7 books to take your business to the next level
If you want a better business you need to learn to become a better owner. Read these 7 books to take your business to the next level.
Read MoreThe Magic of Systems
A well-managed business is built on systems. As we say at W5: systems run the business, people run the systems, you lead the people. Here’s how
Read MoreHow to Be the Best Version of You: Practical Tips to Become a Better Business Owner
Want to thrive as a business owner? You need to focus on character, affirmations, and habits. In short, create a plan to be the best version of you that you can.
Read MoreExecutive Leadership: a New Way to Approach Delegation
Executive leaders delegate at a higher level. They’re willing to let go control. As a result, they can pass off a LOT of the heavy lifting.
Read MoreThe Truth About Comfort Zones
Everything you want in live (and business) is outside your comfort zone. Just beware of the panic zone, danger zone, and dying zone. This article explains the difference.
Read MoreWant more success? Stay in your circle of control
Too many business owners focus their attention in their circle of concern instead of their circle of control. Here’s how to spot the difference
Read MoreBusiness Coaching Case Study: From Losing Money Every Year to $250,000 in Profit
What happens in business coaching? Does it really work? What results can I expect? One of my clients has allowed me to pull back the curtain to show you
Read MoreBe Do Have: a formula for success
You can use this basic formula for whatever it is you want to have. What kind of person you have to BE in order to DO so that you can HAVE.
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