Want a great team? Focus on these 5 things

Business freedom comes from having a great team
If you want a great business – the kind that runs smoothly, profitably, and mostly without you – you need a great team.
When you have a great team, you can:
- Serve more customers
- Make more money
- Take time away from your business, knowing that things will be looked after in your absence
Many of my clients come to me feeling frustrated because they *don’t* have a great team.
- They have trouble with hiring and recruiting
- They’re unhappy with the level of productivity and quality of work their team produces
- They’re not comfortable with delegating, so they end up spending a lot of time supervising
What’s the answer? These 5 things that I help my coaching clients with.
1. Train your team so they deliver superior levels of customer service
Superior customer service leads to raving fans.
Raving fans buy more and tell their friends about you.
2. Get the Right people doing the Right Things Right
This one requires
- Good hiring and recruitment practices to get the right people
- Systems and job descriptions outlining the right things
- Training and standard operating procedures to help them do the things right
Which naturally leads us to the next 3 things I help clients with…
3. Develop a recruiting system that is both efficient and effective
The right recruiting system will help you find qualified and motivated people to your team.
At W5, we use a 4-part recruiting system, you can read more about it here: how to recruit.
4. Develop an ongoing training system
Well-trained people are more effective and more productive at their jobs.
As your company grows, some of them will become ready for promotion.
This is a key part of building a business that can operate without your personal involvement.
5. Develop strong leadership skills
We have 2 sayings at W5 that really speak to this one.
Systems run the business, people run the systems, you lead the people.
If the owner wants a better business, the business needs a better owner.
You accomplish both by stepping into your role as leader.
Personally, this might mean improving your communication skills, learning how to delegate effectively, or increasing your confidence.
Business-wise, it may entail getting better at visioning, goal setting, and planning.
Want to implement these changes quickly? Get some help
Having a great team expands your capacity.
It takes the burden of looking after everything off your shoulders.
It decreases the number of things on your personal to-do list, freeing up your time to look at the bigger picture and to have a life outside your business.
But building your team isn’t just about bringing in people to delegate work to.
Sometimes it makes sense to hire some help closer to the top.
Like a business coach who brings experience, expertise, perspective, and tools to solve the problems you’re facing right now.
If you’d like some help growing your team – or growing your revenue – or making things in your business run more smoothly and more effectively – let’s get on a call to discuss coaching.
You can book a time on my calendar here: time with John

Build a Self-Managing Company
How to build a business that runs smoothly, profitably, and (mostly) without you.
Feeling stressed out and overwhelmed with a business that is taking all your time - and not giving you enough in return?
Are you finding it challenging to hire the right team (and get them to do the right things)?
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