John's blog

Articles to help you become a better business owner


My latest articles

Key Concepts: The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

By John Nieuwenburg

By: Al Ries & Jack Trout The Law of Leadership – better to be first than better The Law of Category – if you can’t be first set up a new category to be first in The Law of the Mind – better to be first in the mind that in the marketplace The Law of…

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What Is The Difference Between Consulting And Coaching?

By John Nieuwenburg

What Is The Difference Between Consulting And Coaching? A consultant considers your problem, arrives at a conclusion and recommends a procedure to resolve the issue.  A consultant provides professional advice and service that he or she develops. Consulting is often narrowly focused on specific issues and methods. Coaching focuses on specific issues as well.  Coaching…

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This is a story about four people.

By John Nieuwenburg

This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody knew…

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Key Concepts: The Power of Full Engagement

By John Nieuwenburg

By: Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz Energy, not time, is our most precious resource. Energy is the fundamental currency of high performance. Performance, health and happiness are grounded in the skillful management of energy. Leaders are the stewards of organizational energy—in companies, organizations, and even in families. They inspire or demoralize others first by how effectively they manage…

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What is a great question?

By John Nieuwenburg

What is a great question? There are no fixed, black-and-white rules that determine that one question is good and another is lousy. For example: “Why?” can be a wonderful question. It can be an unexpectedly insightful question that penetrates to the core of the issue. But “Why?” can also be a terrible question. It can come…

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The Myth of Multitasking in Business!

By John Nieuwenburg

Everybody talks about multitasking…the ability to do more than one thing at a time. The truth is our brains work sequentially and we can only successfully do one thing at a time. Believe it or not, multitasking is a myth. What we are really doing when we think we are multitasking is switch-tasking. We are quickly moving…

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Have you ever wondered how to “reverse engineer” the number of leads/prospects you need?

By John Nieuwenburg

How can you as a business owner “reverse engineer” the number of leads/prospects you need in order to have the customers you want to support the Revenue goals you have? If you have ever wondered about this or if you have ever wondered what you can do to increase sales, you might like to see if…

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How can you get your clients to know your value and pay you what you are worth?

By John Nieuwenburg

Here are 7 tips to help you charge what you are worth   Believe in yourself; if you don’t, your customer certainly won’t. Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. – Norman Vincent Peale Invest in yourself; no one else can do…

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How does a fish know that it’s in water?

By John Nieuwenburg

How does a fish know that it’s in water? How can it, it’s the only thing it knows. How do you know your cultural assumptions? How do you challenge them? Here is something to think about! You are not naked when you take off your clothes. You still wear your religious assumptions, your prejudices, your…

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Free E-Book: Five Steps to Freedom

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How to build a business that runs smoothly, profitably, and (mostly) without you

Feeling stressed out and overwhelmed with a business that is taking all your time - and not giving you enough in return?

Are you finding it challenging to hire the right team (and get them to do the right things)?

I wrote this little guide for you!

Enter your details below to receive your free copy!