John's blog

Articles to help you become a better business owner


My latest articles

Key Concepts: Secrets of Small Business Owners Exposed

By John Nieuwenburg

We loved these tips that any business, large or small, can put into practice to be better. We hope you find them as valuable as we do! Create and communicate your organizational clarity. Clear roles and responsibilities within your company are necessary. Articulate your vision. Someone has to be in charge. Decide where the buck…

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Key Concepts: Eat That Frog

By John Nieuwenburg

By: Brian Tracy The key to happiness, satisfaction, great success and a wonderful feeling of personal power and effectiveness is for you to develop the habit of eating your frog, first thing every day when you start work. Fortunately, this is a learnable skill that you can acquire through repetition. And when you develop the…

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Fear is nothing more than False Expectations Appearing Real.

By John Nieuwenburg

Fear is nothing more than False Expectations Appearing Real. The truth about fear is that fear is an illusion. A very powerful one for sure, but still an illusion. It’s a mind-game. Fear is nothing more than False Expectations Appearing Real. It brings to mind something Tony Robbins discussed years ago. What he described was…

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What is a mastermind group? How can it help you?

By John Nieuwenburg

What is a mastermind group? How can it help you? Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, first defined the mastermind as a “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.” Hill’s concept of the “Master Mind” was inspired by Andrew…

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W5 Coaching

By John Nieuwenburg

Fun way to see what W5 Coaching is all about!

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7 Keys for a Business Partnership That Works!

By John Nieuwenburg

1 – Start by building a shared Vision, Mission and Culture. As in any business, it’s critical for the partners to define the Vision, Mission and Culture of the venture as the very first step. If all brains aren’t going in the same direction in the same way, problems are bound to arise. The motives…

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Which side of the scarcity or abundance question do you come out on?

By John Nieuwenburg

The world divides into two in lots of ways. For example in DiSC language people are generally more: • Introverted or extroverted • Task or feelings oriented In the language of Myers Briggs people are on a continuum in four areas: • Extraversion – Introversion • Sensing – Intuition • Thinking – Feeling • Judging…

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One man’s take on why it makes sense to have a business coach!

By John Nieuwenburg

Give me the biz, coach! From the Edmonton Sun: By Danny Hooper Celebrity shutterbug Fred Katz was chosen to judge the national image competition for the Professional Photographers of Canada. One of the great benefits of being self-employed is the fact nobody can fire you. At least that’s what I used to think. These days…

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Do you have a life jacket ready?

By John Nieuwenburg

In the past coaches were someone who provided advice, information, opinions and service. Today how we access information and form opinions is most certainly different than yesterday. We’re smack dab in the beginnings of a new era called the Information Age. How we access our information has changed from the limited choice model to one…

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Free E-Book: Five Steps to Freedom

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How to build a business that runs smoothly, profitably, and (mostly) without you

Feeling stressed out and overwhelmed with a business that is taking all your time - and not giving you enough in return?

Are you finding it challenging to hire the right team (and get them to do the right things)?

I wrote this little guide for you!

Enter your details below to receive your free copy!